-- Christian and Social Issues -

Christian issues, Social issues and all connected through Biblical Issues

Phyllis Schlafly’s Claims v. Fact Setting the Record Straight on Common Core State Standards: BACKGROUND: Recently, Phyllis Schlafly, founder of Eagle Forum...

Marriage -- it's a lot bigger than just what happens on the wedding day. Marriage is our most important and timeless social institution, which...

Should you be forced to perform abortions against your conscience? 46 members of the U.S. House of Representatives say no.  

What will tomorrow look like in America? Watch this video from the Alliance Defense Fund to see how religious freedom could be affected in...

http://pornharms.com/ and http://www.facebook.com/PornHarms Former U.S. Department of Justice prosecutor Alan Sears is...

Hell's Best Kept Secret is Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron's lesson on Biblical Evangelism. This method preaches the Law to soften a sinner's heart...