United Christians Church

United Christians Church is an online church of Biblical and political responsibility and personal accountability to Christ, our risen Lord and Savior. We encourage our dual members to also be active members of their local Bible believing church where they should attend, tithe, and volunteer. We seek to bring our members and visitors into a closer personal relationship with Christ. We desire to speak to current and relevant issues of the day from a Biblical perspective. Finally, we hope to educate members and visitors regarding our nations historical founding documents, including the history and truth behind what has been defined as a, "separation of church and state," and why participation in the public arena (including public service) is fulfillment of the role of membership in the Christian Church.
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This video is really good to watch if you are studying about American Revolution. "When a person is tarred, the tar is like hot oil....

This video is really good to watch if you are studying about American Revolution. This video is about the Boston Tea Party...

    Welcome to Stop Common Core Illinois We are a non-partisan community of Illinois citizens united by our concerns about...

In Part One of this series, Pioneer Institute Executive Director Jim Stergios talks about the basis for education reform in Massachusetts, and how that...

Phyllis Schlafly’s Claims v. Fact Setting the Record Straight on Common Core State Standards: BACKGROUND: Recently, Phyllis Schlafly, founder of Eagle Forum...