United Christians Church

United Christians Church is an online church of Biblical and political responsibility and personal accountability to Christ, our risen Lord and Savior. We encourage our dual members to also be active members of their local Bible believing church where they should attend, tithe, and volunteer. We seek to bring our members and visitors into a closer personal relationship with Christ. We desire to speak to current and relevant issues of the day from a Biblical perspective. Finally, we hope to educate members and visitors regarding our nations historical founding documents, including the history and truth behind what has been defined as a, "separation of church and state," and why participation in the public arena (including public service) is fulfillment of the role of membership in the Christian Church.

Join the national Call 2 Fall on July 1, 2012 as we take a day to emphasize the importance of praying for our great...

Marriage -- it's a lot bigger than just what happens on the wedding day. Marriage is our most important and timeless social institution, which...

Should you be forced to perform abortions against your conscience? 46 members of the U.S. House of Representatives say no.  

What will tomorrow look like in America? Watch this video from the Alliance Defense Fund to see how religious freedom could be affected in...