Christian Heritage

Defending Florida's Marriage Amendment in Court By John Stemberger I was in Miami yesterday afternoon and evening to attend the court hearing where six...

American Minute with Bill Federer FATHERS' DAY - 'Children...desperately need security... It has been a duty...of fatherhood to offer it.'-Reagan

American Minute with Bill Federer Father of Rocket Science

American Minute with Bill Federer WAR OF 1812 and the President's Faith

American Minute with Bill Federer 'By our form of government, the Christian religion is the established religion' -Justice Samuel Chase 

American Minute with Bill Federer 'If the unprincipled men in office... government will soon be corrupted' -Noah Webster   

American Minute with Bill Federer Maryland led in Religious Tolerance - 'No person...professing to believe in JESUS CHRIST any ways troubled...'