American Heritage

Defending Florida's Marriage Amendment in Court By John Stemberger I was in Miami yesterday afternoon and evening to attend the court hearing where six...

American Minute with Bill Federer 19-year-old helps America win Independence...

American Minute with Bill Federer FATHERS' DAY - 'Children...desperately need security... It has been a duty...of fatherhood to offer it.'-Reagan

American Minute with Bill Federer WAR OF 1812 and the President's Faith

American Minute with Bill Federer 'By our form of government, the Christian religion is the established religion' -Justice Samuel Chase 

American Minute with Bill Federer 'If the unprincipled men in office... government will soon be corrupted' -Noah Webster   

American Minute with Bill Federer Maryland led in Religious Tolerance - 'No person...professing to believe in JESUS CHRIST any ways troubled...'